B Grade Gourmet @ 心斎橋&難波

B grade gourmet (B級グルメ) 的B grade, 指的絕對不是次一級的食品, 那是指價廉物美的地方美食(ご当地グルメ), 平民美食(庶民グルメ), 如炒麵, 拉麵等. 在2006年青森県八戸市就舉辦了第1回B-1 Grand Prix(B-1グランプリ). 静岡県富士宮市的富士宮炒麵(富士宮やきそば) 就拿了第一,二屆的冠軍. 第三屆的冠軍由神奈川県厚木市的厚木炭燒內臟(厚木シロコロ・ホルモン)取得. 在2009年9月19日及20日在秋田県横手市舉行的第4屆B-1 Grand Prix就由秋田県横手市的横手炒麵横手やきそば奪得錦標. 來年的B-1 Grand Prix將會在神奈川県厚木市舉行. 雖然大阪的地方美食未曾在B-1 Grand Prix拿過任何獎項, 但它的B級美食真是無人能及. http://www.b-1gp.cande.biz/

(1) Okonomi-yaki お好み焼き

お好み焼き 美津の

大阪お好み焼き・広島焼き きよ

お好み焼 道頓堀 鬼ごっこ
大阪市中央区道頓堀1-6-12 ニコービルB1

(2) Ramen ラーメン

除了眾所周知的金龍拉麵, 神座(かむくら)拉麵外, 還有新開的一蘭道頓堀店和博多一風堂難波店, 及有相當人氣的四天王拉麵和古潭老麺. 

一蘭 道頓堀店
大阪市中央区宗右衛門町7-18 1F

博多一風堂 なんば店
大阪市浪速区難波中3-1-17 角屋難波ビル1F

ラーメン四天王 千日前店
大阪府大阪市中央区道頓堀1-7-25 タカコ第5ビル

古潭老麺 ナンバウォーク2番街店
〒542-0076 大阪府大阪市中央区難波1 虹のまち3-3

(3) Gyoza 餃子
大阪府大阪市中央区心斎橋筋1-5-2 小寺ビル 1F

大阪府大阪市中央区心斎橋筋2-3-5 日宝ファインプラザ 1F
一口餃子の店, 1人前15個700円

(4) Kushi-katsu 串かつ
新世界 やまと屋

串かつ・いっとく 道頓堀本店
大阪府大阪市中央区道頓堀2-4-14 シモウラビル1F

(5) Horumon ホルモン (內臟)
昭和大衆ホルモン 千日前店
〒542-0074 大阪府大阪市中央区千日前2-6-11

昭和大衆ホルモン 宗右衛門町店
大阪市中央区宗右衛門町4-6 クライスビルB1(地下1階)

(6) Sushi
100円均一回転寿司 磯野漁太郎 (July 2009 opened)
大阪市中央区難波千日前2-35 スイングヨシモトビル2F
Click HERE for further details.

築地寿司清 心斎橋店
大阪府大阪市中央区心斎橋筋1-7-1 大丸心斎橋8F

海鮮・回転寿司 だいすきや なんばCITY店
大阪市中央区難波5-1-60 なんばCITY南館1F

すし旬海楽 いっちょう 道頓堀店
大阪市中央区道頓堀2-1-7 道頓堀ヤングビル1F

(7) Omelette Rice
オムライスの店 北極星 法善寺店
大阪市中央区難波1-2-10 法善寺MEOUTOビル1F

大阪市浪速区難波中2-10-70 なんばパ-クス内

(8) Dessert (All you can eat)
Sweets Sweets 心斎橋OPA店
大阪府大阪市中央区西心斎橋1-4-3 心斎橋OPA9F
11:00 – 23:00pm (LO 21:30pm)
90min for 1480yen + 210 drink free

Sweet Paradise スイーツパラダイス 心斎橋店
大阪府大阪市中央区心斎橋筋1-1-10 La Porte心斎橋 6F
90min for 1480yen including drinks
80min for 1480 (weekend & public holiday)

[BKK] Central World

今年5月, 怱怱到了曼谷芭堤雅一遊, 發覺日本的食文化已入侵當地. 如Bangkok's Central World, 一個商場內竟然有超過10間日本飲食店, 其中8間是由日本集團引進. 又, 各大超市都有售Glico的百力茲, Collon, Pocky等零食. Isetan內也售賣日本人熟悉的牌子, 化妝品, 更有Hello Kitty迷喜歡的Sanrio Gift Shop, 書店. 更估不到的是泰國人也熱愛Bandai 的Gundam, Keroro.

日本以流行文化(如漫畫, 遊戲機) 和食文化不斷的侵略全世界, 從每個人兒童時入手, 遷移默化, 慢慢的改變你們的思想, 將來長大後, 不會激進地聲討日本戰時的罪行, 也不會評激日本所謂"維護和平"的政策. 日本仔想以軟着陸政策來統治全世界, 成功の日還會遠嗎??

Central World - 7/F Restaurant Floor

Mo Mo Paradise (Shabu-shabu)
Tokyo Bistro
Shinemon Curry

Heiroku Sushi
Kabuki Sushi
Tsukuji Ramen
Shabu Sushi
Mister Donut (in front, there is a Bandai 売り場)
Thai version Glico Products

Thai limited version Pretz (タイ限定プリッツ)
Isetan's Sanrio Gift Shop

Paragon's Nippon Fest
Mos Burger

[YYZ] J-Town

雖然日本人在多倫多的社群不是很大, 沒有像China Town那樣規模的市集, 但在Uptown的Markham市就有一個日本人集中地--J Town. 其實J Town最初是由平成 Mart(grocery store), Bakery Nakamura, 和 Cafe Green Tea 開始, 而平成 Mart原本是在Victoria Park & McNicoll, 在1998年搬到Steeles & Victoria Park 後便慢慢的擴展起來. 現在的J Town分3個部分, 主building包括, Tora Sushi, Famu Inc., Sakana Ya; 對面的Japan Book Center, Stuido T Beauty Salon, Boutique Ai, basement 的Yakudo太鼓教室; 還有最新的J Town Annex.

1. from parking lot

2. main door

3. Bakery Nakamura (ここのチラミスは最高です!!)
4. Heisei Mart

5. Heisei Mart
6. Cafe Green Tea (ハンバーガーセットが大好き!!)
7. Japan Book Center (with DVD Rental)

8. New J-Town Annex



Japanese food & Loire wine

Mix & match
Traditionally, local wine and local food should go together when considering food & wine pairing. Nowadays, “mix & match” is a term not only used in fashion, but also used in food and wine. Asian food could pair up with western wines and vice versa. I am fascinated with the crossover of Japanese food and French Loire wines.

Japanese food and Loire wines
Like other sushi-and-wine lovers, I started matching sushi with different wines. I found that a great variety of wines produced in Loire Valley are excellent options other than sake (Japanese rice wine). The non-oaked Loire whites are young, fruity, crispy with a good level of acidity. The citrus acid in both sushi-su (すし酢) and white wine brings up the freshness and umami of raw fishes. The salty soy sauce (醤油) adds a balance to the acidity of both sushi-su and crispy white wines. Further, mirin, 味醂 a type of sweet Japanese wine which mixes with salt and sugar in the sushi-su, adds a depth of taste inside the mouth.

Sometimes, people said that “wasabi is a wine killer”. In fact, the real wasabi root, which requires pure and constantly flowing water without pesticides, are difficult to grow. The annual production could not even meet the domestic consumption within Japan. Instead, convenient wasabi-powders or wasabi-paste tubes are widely used as substitutions in Japanese restaurants across the world. As a result, the spicy flavour of wasabi has been artificially modified. The acidity of wines or the bubbles in the sparkling wines reduce the heat from the wasabi-paste. The freshness of raw fishes could then be maintained.

For example, Muscadet on the Atlantic coast and Sparkling Vouray and Montlouis in Touraine go perfectly with raw white fishes, raw oysters and shell fishes. Not only the Loire whites work. The light-bodied reds from Anjou-Saumur and Touraine also harmonize with fatty raw fish like toro (tuna belly) and kan-buri (寒鰤 over 80cm Japanese winter yellowtail).

Young fruity red in Saumur-Champigny or dry white Chenin Blanc based Vouray match well with grilled fishes, like sanma-bataa-yaki (秋刀魚バター焼き grilled Pacific saury with butter sauce). Sauvignon Blanc in Sancerre and Pouilly-Fume go well with chicken teriyaki. The bubbles from the Saumur Brut cleanse the fat from tempura on the palate.

Price is a very important matter when I started experimenting on food and wine pairing. I will cry if I picked an expensive wine with wrong food. Loire wines could be drunk young, and do not need to be stored in cellar for decades. Therefore, the ready-to-drink Loire wines are a lot cheaper than Bordeaux or Burgundy wines. Sometimes, Loire wines are selling cheaper than New World wines. By paying the same or lesser amount, why don’t choose a high quality Old World wine?

On special occasions like Anniversary, Birthday, and Valentine’s Day, people like drinking Champagne. However, real Champagnes produced inside the appellation of Champagne are considerably expensive. Another good choice will be Cremant, a sparkling wine produced using the same traditional method of Champagne. Cremant-de-Loire is the second largest sparkling wine productions in France following Champagne. The price of a bottle of Cremant-de-Loire is reasonable, far lesser than a real Champagne.

Easy Drinking & Ready to drink
To my experience, Loire wines are easy drinking and food friendly. Some Loire whites like Muscadet could be drunk alone as an aperitif. As mentioned above, Loire wines could be drunk young without aging for a long period of time. That means I do not need to worry what kind of food to match with and how long to store in the cellar before drinking. To me, Loire wines are considered to be “worry-free” wines.

Garden of France
Let’s enjoy the sparkles created by sushi and wine in the “Garden of France”-- the Loire Valley. Bon appétit! いただきます!

Earthquakes 關東大地震

自從明報9月4日刊登了題為"東京異象 恐爆8級巨震"的新聞後, 我的朋友在24小時內紛紛打電話來詢問有關地震的新聞是否屬實及發生8級大地震的機會率. 有的知道我10月將會去沖繩, 很關心的問沖繩發生地震的可能性. 有的問問地震時的避難方法. 有的問東京哪裡有防空洞? 有的竟然要我即時預測9月和12月東京發生地震的機會率? 那一刻我真的懷疑自己是否工作於日本地震局或日本情報局? http://www.mingpaotor.com/htm/News/20090904/ttaa1.htm

根據資料, 對上2次的關東大地震是發生在1703年的元祿關東地震和1923年的大正關東地震. 因為大地震的周期已到, 日本地震專家預計, 在2007年至2036年其間, 關東地區(包括神奈川県・東京都・千葉県・埼玉県東部・茨城県南部) 極大機會將會發生一次7級以上的的大地震, 預測的地震種類為直下型,海溝型或海洋板塊內型.

不過, 如果真的要我預測, 我個人認為神奈川県以南海底或福島県會津地區發生大地震的機會頗大. 何解?? 因為根據我過往的經驗, 我曾到該地旅行後均在3個月至6月後發生了6級以上的大地震.

1. 旅行地方: 新潟県 旅行日期: Aug 2004
新潟県中越地震(The Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake in 2004)
Oct 23, 2004 @17:56pm
直下型地震M 6.8
余震18回(震度5弱以上)/ 1,000回以上(震度1以上)

2. 旅行地方: 石川県 旅行日期: Dec 2006
能登半島地震(The Noto Hanto Earthquake in 2007)
Mar 25, 2007 @09:41am
直下型地震 M 6.9
余震 500回以上

3. 旅行地方: 岩手県 旅行日期: Dec 2007
July 24, 2008 @00:26am
直下型地震(正断層型)M 6.8
余震 1回

4. 旅行地方: 宮城県 旅行日期: Dec 2007
岩手・宮城内陸地震 (The Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake in 2008)
Jun 14, 2008 @08:43am
直下型地震(逆断層型)M 7.2
余震 511回

根據地震情報Site JIS的數據, 由1971年至2001年間, 日本全國每年平均發生46次4級以上的地震, 8次5級以上的地震, 1.3次6級以上的大地震. 究竟我的到訪是否純屬巧合?? 真是見仁見智!! 總而言之, 我今年4月份就到了神奈川県的鎌倉,藤澤及福島県會津地區一遊, 究竟那專家所預測的關東地震會否出現, 我們拭目以待吧!!

Drama: Love Shuffle

ラブ♥シャッフル(Love Shuffle) 的編劇是野島伸司, 劇情雖不及101次求婚和同一屋簷下, 但勝在能諷刺時弊, 道出現今日本人(不論男女, 不論年齡) 對愛情的看法, 處理愛情的手法, 而且演員不俗, 有玉木宏,香里奈, 松田翔太等, 這才使我繼續看下去.

戲中玉木宏有句口頭禪: "嘘だと言ってよ、ジョー"(It ain’t true is it, Joe?), 而且, 他時常用Panda一詞來大玩爛gag. 在日本語中, 〇〇だ (=〇〇です) 解作 "It's xxxx". 所以, 玉木宏問的問題, 答案必須以"xxxパン"+"だ"作為尾音.

Vol 5

=> Today breakfast as well ..... It's Bread (In Japanese: Bread=Pan)

=> The one who flies in the sky ..... It's Peter Pan

=> Bursting breasts .... It's Pan Pan (Japanese description =>漲漲的)

=> My trousers? ..... It's Chino Pants

Vol 6

=> Exericse done in the morning ..... It's Pin-Pon-Pan (Japanese Children TV show name @FujiTV)

Vol 7

=> When you celebrate ..... It's Champagne

Vol 8

=> You wear in the sea ... ????
=> The one I flow while cooking ..... It's Frying Pan

Vol 10
=> That country which has golden heart ..... It's Japan